Circumferential Body Lift Before and After Pictures in Savannah, GA
Dr Luke Curtsinger
61 y.o. female who had a circumferential body lift.
38 y.o. female who received a circumferential body lift. She is 5 months post-op.
35 y.o. female who received a circumferential body lift with muscle plication.
40 y.o. female who received a breast augmentation with 375 cc M+ silicone gel implant on the left side and 350 cc M+ silicone gel implant on the right side, breast lift and a circumferential body lift.
32 y.o. who received a drainless circumferential body lift.
46 y.o. female who had a drainless circumferential body lift with liposuction of her upper arms.
55 y.o. female who received a drainless circumferential body lift with an auto-augmentation breast lift.
43 y.o. female who had a drainless circumferential body lift with liposuction of the outer thighs.
34 y.o. female who received a circumferential body lift after massive weight loss, breast augmentation after breast reduction and secondary mastopexy. She received 445 cc moderate soft-touch silicone gel implants.
52 y.o. female who received a drainless circumferential body lift and breast augmentation with 275 cc M+ silicone gel implants
37 y.o. female who had a drainless circumferential body lift and vertical thigh lift.
34 y.o. female who received a drainless circumferential body lift with breast lift and augmentation with 520 cc full profile silicone gel implants.