If you are a child born with a physical defect, and you live in a developing country, there are fewer options for medical help than we enjoy here in the United States. That's why Dr. Scott Vann feels called to use his reconstructive surgery skills to help the people of Antigua, Guatemala.
Dr. Vann recently returned from a trip to Guatemala, visiting with former patients and assessing the needs of children at Christ Child's Nest, a children's home with about 100 children. Dr. Vann's church, Isle of Hope Methodist, provides financial support for the home, and sends members like Dr. Vann to visit with the children and workers and see how best to help.
While in Guatemala, Dr. Vann also visited a wheelchair factory supported by his church. The factory is run by a group called Transitions, which works to help the physically disabled in Guatemala and employs many physically challenged young people.
Dr. Vann will return to Guatemala in February to perform needed surgeries and procedures for the people there. In the meantime, Dr. Vann will help his church continue to raise funds to sponsor the children of the Christ Child's Nest.