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Popularity of Upper Arm Lift Surgery on the Rise

By The Team @ Savannah Plastic Surgery

By The Team @ Savannah Plastic Surgery

Arm wobble. Bat Wing. Arm Charm.

There are a lot of different names for excess skin and fat on the upper arm. But whatever you call it, that jiggly, swinging upper arm may have you avoiding sleeveless dresses and tank tops. But there is a way to permanently remove your "bat wing," and the popularity of the procedure is on the rise.

Brachioplasty is also called an arm lift, and it's a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the upper arm. This is typically an outpatient procedure, and involves making an incision from the armpit to the elbow along the underside of the arm. Skin and fat are removed and the skin is stretched together and stitched.

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, demand for brachioplasty has risen more than 900% in the last two decades. In 2015, more than 25,000 upper arm lifts were performed.

If you're bothered by excess skin and fat on your upper arm, we invite you to make an appointment for a complimentary consultation with us to see if brachioplasty might be right for you. Then you can look forward to a summer of short sleeves, minus the arm charm.